Villaggio           sul Mare
Development Information Today: Villaggio’s team is revisiting both design and alternative land uses. Private Family Estate home site(s) Residential - detached, condo, townhome, duplex, up-down hill Senior housing - from independent through assisted living _____________________________ History: Documented history, entitlements, environmental, geology, infrastructure, etc. is available on cloud drop box. Villaggio was part of the larger adjacent property settled by the Kelly family during California’s early history. Villaggio has been farmed since Kelly family’s arrival and since 1980s graded, farmed and maintained under permits and environmental reviews. A 5.64 acres infill site with access and utilities 1980 : Villaggio’s owner acquired the larger adjacent property, and in 1985 received unanimous approval by all agencies, when Villaggio was carving out to be independent of adjacent community and its HOA . During this process, Villaggio’s owner paid towards its and adjacent home’s infrastructure and personally dedicated vast adjacent acreages as natural habitat. For fully delivering such public benefit the government documented intent to respect Villaggio’s ability to recover Villaggio owner’s major investment. 1999: City required Villaggio’s owner to spend extensive additional funds as a co-applicant of a Coastal Commission and City application to amend (not rescind) 1985 Coastal Permit to replace the Master Plan with Zoning, to facilitate the new owner of the adjacent property. 2005 : Coastal Permit was revised and City staff, knowing that Villaggio’s owner was not ready to build, agreed to allow the forced Villaggio application participation and fees to toll until Villaggio was ready to move forward. Villaggio’s team has provided new City Staff, documentation of all agencies’ commitments that were granted in exchange for the benefits the public has fully received, including agencies writen assurances that site can utilize all the acerage outside the Hard Line for development, including a 20 foot setback within the Hard Line (See drop box for details). ___________________________ Property Information APN: 208-184-09 Gross Acres: 5.64 Zoning: RD-M-Q Land Use Designation: R-8 Building height: 35’ Infill Site with access and utilities to the boundary Property processed with agencies for decades Extensive Geological testing was performed, and Geotechnical model available Coastal Permit Authority has transfered to the City under the Local Coastal Plan Although processed for decades with adjacent property, Villaggio is not a part of adjacent HOA. ___________________________ Permitted RD-M-Q Uses (2024) In the table, below, subject to all applicable permitting and development requirements of the municipal code: "P" indicates use is permitted. (See note 6 below) "CUP" indicates use is permitted with approval of a conditional use permit. (See note 6 below) 1 = Minor Conditional Use Permit (Process One), pursuant to Chapter 21.42 of this title 2 = Conditional Use Permit (Process Two), pursuant to Chapter 21.42 of this title 3 = Conditional Use Permit (Process Three), pursuant to Chapter 21.42 of this title "Acc" indicates use is permitted as an accessory use
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